....ohhh my oh my it's come back, sleeping aside...
aside ... the graveyard.
As The Brexit man resigns his post...
pure poetry, and even he
the pigtailed Ausie he did not agree.
"but how can you have had the happiest two years of your life...? "
"lookere cobber.... i only have one regret ... despite off to be Quinn, and never glib as i have tragedy
"and ALWAYS constant as you know.... no one gets to me not even your High Street Pharisees and Sadducees generally these days in designer gear and with her Waitrose Bag.....
" you could make it up the glory and loveliness of now being free
"But piggytale..... don't you understand... even if the official register would put folk like me in the Aristocracy upper clas as I
"read... actual books rather than box set pap...
" shame....shame hurts
"confected vulnerability for PBS radio four programs and the like hurts the confectee...
"but shame hurts every day in ways that are imperceptible and ... cripple and cause ringworm and bad toothache...
"and all sorts as i read actual real science and the great man said 'we do not know'.... what causes the human lifeforce to interact with the otherforces and make us...
"live longer according to their 'data'.... not mine their'n....
" to use the official Malcom Gladwell approved term even if he stole it from me as i rhetoricised it a good few years before anyone else...
"the bottom third....
"ringworm infested scrofulates... drug addled cowpol addicts... the fat.... the fat unless they go to their gyms rather than dance with me up the hills...
" the poor the prejudiced against denied a real job...
"the homeless, who cannot write bad poetry at the drop of a hat on autopilot..
"the shame..... they lived it within, aside, a parrot on their shoulder always...
"one little bad flu sniffle and....
"just like that as if it's a New Dawn .... and lets hope it's forever....
"now if only they could overcome theoir pandemic of borderline persona dosirder and stop ordering crap off the line and ....figure....as Mister Montaigne once said if i could ever find the stillness to plough through his canon...
"How to Live....
"because just likethat their shame..... is gone
"and the less lost and dumbed down know deep down they don't even have to pretend to ne mentally very ill for welfare payments....as there's no one left to pretend to....