
11 Dec 2021

"chaos and turmoil prevail"

 "not" as the youth began to postfix, even a decade and a half ago.

So, he deigns to ignore my handwritten fountain penned, three pages.

Action, time, soon....

Though as discovered a decade ago even the most vengeful man - by his own words, stated "'t achieves nowt"

Did I do this?

What i do not understands but then the wise man knows the nutjob goddesses are ineffable, in other words don't work, or are as drunk as she was.

But nature teaches us we can never ever ever know' owt....
And i love them. No matter what the bastards do to delay my day.

Ph yes that series of images - studies, a decade ago, as usual the artist has no feeling, no humanity, they're so up their own bottoms i wish no association ever, even if she has 5 more hours to....come...and see The Sublime in action....

Never judge the art by the artist as artists cannot even judge whether a mouse is friendly or not.

Oh be continued - I mean that once 'famous' library, we shall out fame it no matter what....

Oh yes...already....
But that silly Madame Bovary last a week - oh my how a week flies, she could not appreciate the art in " so yours has turned to mud, too..."

But poignant tragedy that even the drunk undergoddesses could not dream up on a bad and bitter day....
their sour grins.
The violent night of them...

I mean that's all that matters as Quinn would know - up at 4.35, JUST enough sleep.... (how do they do that?) ... just that perfect amount that place between more weary and alive again...

Because one minute lost would be a minute lost from whatever next and that would be cheating....

Myself out of that new day kairos.

All that matters, even recalling that phrase, his "sour grins" even if my words are always unless stated mine own....

All that matters the mind still functions better than ever before, and Quinn would know....

when they no longer can find the poetry in every holocaust, ending or sludgy oil, well..... there is no point hanging around for one more second.....ever...

And the last day will, be .....

But that's the thing, humanity means give the chap in his last of times a way to have a jolly good kip no matter what, to enjoy it....

But there's the thing.... I know full well their fin de ciecle never actually ended, but how come he knew the line - well his eyes and charmy smile said he did,  yet....still has no poetry in his actual soul? only one generation away from the tattooed number  on the arm