
9 Dec 2021

And for the third time....

 The 'kairos'..... which needs no quote marks. As it exists.

For the third time she ignores me...... but for the third time, the kairos clicks in never mind the Rachel principle.

Never mind..... 

proof is beauty: last years i sweated and grinded and lugged around, her booty... a sad old England household the childhating woman inheritor.....she cannot let go, of it....all.

And she has her opportunity to 'pay back' in rural honour rules,  time honoured given back in return. For time .... last year "i dont touch ever any of your nasty South Eastern lucre...ever ... but maybe one day Ill need a favour back...."

(i mean basically you need to have that exact moment on ver very loud in your place such perfect acoustics....or at least in earphones...

when the dreadful yank just like our Caroline Lucas about the same age.... a pretend 'green'; who cannot let go of looking 17 1/2 ...which shoves polutants into our rivers... but of course thats to much like reality for these fairies and Disneyfied Teletubbies.... called planet proectors or whatever you want to call simply as usual 'self regard' as we million words wrote our way to a decade ago


For the thrid time:

And the imagery went so over the ultra level of poignancy...basically tirn the poignant knob up to eleven and pull it off.

I never photographed...HER number plate before....

Number one liar in all humanity....

but you should see the text yesterday that signed off with TWO 'x' kisses.....

(to 'skippy'..... i am free now and ten years of memoir can at last..... breathe....and i mean breathe.... 

I adore every second of 2020 and 2021 just when it was impossible to top the most glorious sublime year in history when the Bolivians even kicked out the CIA hairdyed plant....and of about only five women inBolivia ruined their gorgeous natural locks.... with their glorious undyed hair back in place where it should be

but for 2021 to be better... that was impossible....

until last yesteraft ....when she said....ok Saturday....

and i bet i can get until Sunday or even monday

And thus,  from well well before dawn....  heated by his woodpile  - well two of them.....

out scruffling, a euphemism for "borrowing" Estelle..... 

yes write it.....

The Armenian.... she must be hooked. Because i simply never have met a spirit like her.

But (whats my username for the old bag whos stuff i hauled last year ? oh yet...Homer's 'narrator' now that the Mormon showed his colours a week ago....)

that's a very interesting 'but'.

That the Narry heard the story this place in the actual slave quarters..

as she was not 'slaving away' in return.... despite requiring a fittening up as i tried in so called 'lockdown'  with my gorgeous ally who didn't lock anything away....especially herself...or her lass....

our rendez-vous...

please prosecute me in retrospect because the world needs to know....her smile.... that moment February this...

i mean her smile....

age 12 and her smile ....

But we may get back to that one day....

The Naz lets call her that... The Naz...

that she couldn't understand the pure performance 

Nil illegitimiii as if there were ten Slashs' there just about to wind up theio arms that once did  stick a heroin needle into someone at a party, someone fast asleep sleeping off a tin or three....

..... for kicks.... he said....and he was in my yoof....

So yes The Naz....

No English effete public school boy would do something like that or ever had a brain...

why of course..... now if i can get the Armenian, even she doesn't actually have a heart:

"luv..... Estelle.... she arrived on your country her first day away from Europe with a backpack on ....and as if you were ready to give her the best gift gong..... going.... the little revolution broke out on her first night at the youth hostel....   we are blood brothers and sisters....and as for dare he aske me that... cannot he listen....? i am sure his grandad in the so called labour camps of the final solution......learned to listen...and put themselves in the head of another human fucking being"