
23 Nov 2021

The Answer...

 yesterday at 10.00 limeytime

Following the Rachel Principle...

The oppressors oppress

Anyone else would be ...

lost in anger and confected affront....

But go back four years, nearly....

In a dusty paradise in the foothills of The Andes oops error at 13000 feet feeling ten years younger.  Their laughter everywhere eating and laughing their national way....

walking up to the desk of the man in his authoritarian garb, he looks down at your pass, he is military inhuman... his creases to his fatigues,  are all he has...

And then he raises his face and looks you in the eye....

Was it your name is the same as his founders name... i hate my name but to hear it said with that Spanish softer introductory inttonation....and then his eyes.... his eyes....his only true humanist eyes i have ever seen,... " Sheemon.. sheeee mon........ welcome... to Boliviahhhhh.... the fuckin stupid yanks  in their lost and anti-Enlightenment Wikkipedia....describe  as the 'poorest' country in the continent they raped and pillaged to afford Dullas airport decades on...and everything else they built to fall they can all run away fast to Californian nutcase snake oil filled swimming pools.... or worse...."  

But forget him..he is happy and needs no none else..... it is fast forward four years, nearly...

The question in one line - perhaps the whole so called project especially America and silly little Little Englander.... seems to only respond to self pity, is self pity, became self pity, and thus do you risk telling the person only one you have  a duty to, that doing the worse another human can do, to another... the worse... do they somehow 'need' to hear  that pain and hurt and shock only resulted.... that is the question if the whole 'West'  if you ask me  and the backwards Buddhists infiltrated MY region like  a pandemic of perfume salesmen from Passedena...assasinating other creeds showing their true colours we saw..... i shall ignore ever existed especially as they'll steal my logpile if i don't save it from their, fraud...and piles of snakes they squeeze to a painful death for, oil...

Do you need...i mean REAL play that game.... or tell her... her the only one that ever matters as there is only dur=ty and who gives a fuck what you smell of ageing.....  that every second, every single moment of ones life .... would not have any other way.... 

Is that liberation, or maybe even fatal affront ? to the pandemic of self pity and default to hurt ... that for decades has spread as setting for the so called enlightened educated and thoughtful person....

BUt the answer, i cannot answer that... there is no 'answer' there is only risk...lifes a fuckin risk.... and the "neurobulimia" hahh hahh i thought i had got a new one i am wrong... but nearly that every sngle educated English person suffers post brexit well...

I have AN answer...

vaccums....leave space..... scare of all the European MODERN thought and minds like Annik she knew we were fuckin better than any Mere Herge or whattf ...

And i have inadvertantly a decade done a rather wide ranging 'study' of the reality...of charismatic briugtteyed as if theyre on medication as they probably are ... nutjob discochurch  . AMERICAN money which....

has flooded in een here... they buy it all... they snake oil thir way into it all....even Start The Week thanks god Marr's off...

Cos to not ask the fuckin PR department of greedy nutjob yanky snake oil inc... " ehh fine luv... all very fine.... but can you actually give me some proof your denominations between bad discochurch happy clappy stuff .... actually DOES anything in the 'cimmunity' like she built an arts centre for the lost plebs with her bare hands... ehh do you lot with your mountains of yank lucre ever actually DO hand out sleeping bags to the tribes of homeless even here....where this bloke is calling in from telling me hae has NOTICED...years now... how you gradually seeped in like the soma mixed with vomit and .... own a lot even his way but.... never seem to ever DO anything.... but come on the bbc and tell people how lovely and caring and right you are..."

And that Marr could not means The Enlightenment was torn us as if confetti at the wedding of a poor lost Engishman who has asked at least 20 European women for  hand in.... well a passport at least... 

Mind surely is one 'answer'... the immos that came, were really rather above the hocus pocus ... wanted modernity new ways to grow and make loads of cash from the silly English haute bourgoisue ie everyone... far dinkum...

But now they've 'gone' and those left daren't say anything....

how about some facts. 40 years ago England was a heaven of proper secularity ie shut of about dinosaurs mating with sky fairies and treating brown women like non humans....and as for Christianity Noonan so perfectly got it all in his Ragged.... which sold far mre than any dumbed down bible .(well maybe i.e. the not subsideised version) 

Thieves abd scoundrels... bless em...

We had evolved out of that such that in 1980 11 january ... no one ever spoke of any of it any more....

Like never except "Jesus probably a good bloke communal spirit and all that good example how to live wasnt a sky fairy but there you go just take the good bits from his 'story' and the rest of it leave it for the clinically nuts.."

That is called Enlightemenet. Ish...

And mist Europeans that came i bet were largely of that same bent....

i know they were..

But those Americans for years they have colonised our academe and even our once great intelligent enlightened broadcasting where one was not spat at for using the correct word "egalitarian" ..

But you don't know.... i do.... how they all get even more 'golden visas' than ever before...spesh now those pesky Frogs n Krauts and even Belgian fine minds and the greatest movie thinker of the century Mister La Grande Belazza....have buggered, back....

SO we...can sneak in ...with all out American church golden visas and fellowships and....

.."save... them all now.... after we have saved a lot more dosh buying up theor empty buildings and once homeless sheletrs and ....doing absolutely nothing....

vaccums are for filling.... i do hope they 'save' Mister Farage  from hos wicked ways too but that's off the point....

The point is, soon.

but i know one has managed tp assay that far into that quite factual topic, only because my mind was not somewhere else... thinking about whether or not the perfume of tear gas ghas reached her bedroom or not...

This os simply paradise here on earth and always has been for years...

Most of The time.

And that's the meaning of life too - far more good days than bad days...even if it were 50/50 you've still made it... 

especially here in This Wasteland....

bizarre thing Mister Elliot really was very very very ahead of his time....

proving that anyone from anywhere can also have The ANnswer...