
28 Nov 2021

please note the time. If indeed their silly tech is working and it does what it is paid to

ugghhhhh my fault, even if my head is always crystal clear at 0430 gmt 

I haven't yet got into the new habit necessary - every task just requiring that new habit to enhance efficiency, especially with the waste of time every fraud Che fan  - only worn to increase numbers of fans, and wonky so called environmentalist for years has drained one of... 

This was meant to be at the bottom of this 'post'  - which is not a post simply a page in a rather long memoir, or chronicle. But the very last page will be the 'study' of how astonishing it is how one little bug and all 'their' many year public self righteousness about plastics in the 'environment' suddenly is so quickly forgotten.... in that nothing is done properly any more in that if one really must, well make your sign such that it won't blow off in the wind first little storm...and five years later destroy the life of the chickens or falcons that mistake it for something ..real... 

That 'study' even if it is rather good, and extremely modern art, on the last page, only...

meanwhile, time for beauty, and the real story of modern England...


Thing is i do need some help and bizarrely it is here - like in the moment now, having randomly dialed in to the first of many folders of photos, and not wanting to waste even a second this morning as i have my last 'letter' to write and send, and such things if one really does enjoy them, even if never 'opened' needs atmosphere, and the recipient dignified by whom one really is. And always was: sat at the 0500 GMT smouldering fire, completely and utterly content in the moment, and don't spoil it by any other light shining than a last candle.... and fountain pen.  

Funny thing is though i don't need to blur it or manipulate. It is perfect. I wonder of she has me on her hit list, tomorrow.... bless err....

Right to business, part one of a photostory..... this one rather 'ongoing' too....

She gave me my replacement, but now i use the two of them... and all i care about is indeed she was a friend - a real one, and if she too has the 'mental health' crisis they ALL have nowadays...  that is the end. It is over. All of it.... but i can, fix her, but she will have to sit still long enough to hear, the story. This is no dead story it is alive, to even help real life.... live on.... that's what the poignant word is for..... 

But before we get to any specifics, all that matters is to be nowhere, and this should have been top of the  photos of this page (post - there must be some short-cut language). Because from April 2020 my oh my to be the richest person on the planet, heading out to avoid her little letters, every day.... and know in not a lot of time, you would not have one second any other way, because this was what i always wanted....and needed....