
24 Nov 2021

oops this is NOT a blog man, whip yourself until this sinks in

 Furthermore with imminent ...well, demise, the end.... 

I have sadly no spare time to write with poise grace and no typos...

Even if i planned that message about a year... and the email about three....and am so absurdly efficient i have a box of notes and phrases collected for those three.

Yes  - nothing to do with anyone, except a strong genuinely esteemed person but then i do not think any exist any more. 

Especially  - and this is the true tragedy of the land - silly Gladwell's 'Commons'. This bullshit blaming someone whom is an easy target like so me corporation or power afar; man needs woman to be around and be his equal doing things on the land.  Because they can. I know several. If it is just men, especially when many once plain regions become filled up with little city sex kittens and their expensive Waitrose bags, and parfums and fancy hairdos.... which of course they are entitled to be it...  but it so destabilises the fragile community of men who had got used to only eau de chevre at their spar or more likely eau de chipfat... and settled down to nothing.  But then when other men (not me) see all these new delights day in and out a certain febrility pervades the air.... and working alongside other men basically it is like being on the set of a porn movie not that i ever have...  or at some football match, not that i ever have attended... there is a complete imbalance with 'presents' as angst and bad male energy ..

Which is not per se 'bad' as at a certain level it is evolutionarily evolved... but it is terribly terribly boring... 

So yes in short in rural areas - which are the MAJORITY of this septic shopping aisle, a functional mix of genders, up the fuck at dawn as one needs to be to get through the day ... chopping wood...   CAREFULLY so that nothing is ever wasted thats what we must do for the next generation..... all takes so much time its nice to at least have some local farmers wife who still sees herself as that despite her being in CHARGE!  come and have a cup of coffee...

But they're all curiously so so terrified...of what... the truth? 

(well i know thats the truth, the actual reason,  as a decade i have been so so gently experimenting on them ...all) 

I do know for a fact they are terrified of one thing, my birthday present in 2019

" hey great to meet you at the pro EU vote harvesting stall last week if 'the day' ever came again which as sure as ferrets are ferrets it will, even if dressed up as something else.... I am up every day even in the summer at dawn because  ..well.... we may have quite a lot to do   and the first million 'views' of this are mind my black coffee at dawn.... only tune that can energise me to do what for centuries has been or duty to do...a little work rather than trust in the sky fairies... thats what Faragistes did they registered all the oldies at the local oldie home...'aww sweetie... the ...dimension.. in case you forget.... .listen come the day our chaps are available to give you a lift down to the booth if you wish.... we'll have free union jack biscuits... oh and if the Parkinsons is having a bad day they can help steady your hand when it comes to ticking the box..' "


So yes, actually getting up every morning at rurally necessary times seems to more than intimidate  - scare them to death. It's amazing one doesn't get done for what is the lore these days 'anything that  they find 'challenging' is official grounds for arrest...

When Jesus and his band of merry troubadours* and hustlers probably did work out at least one bit of sense, if you love someone or just value them, challenge them to be ...well, what they said they were, for THEIR actual own good..

almost happiest or at least genuinely poignant moment of 2003 to actually sit in front of a real troubadour in his gaolhouse yard... to see his bright eyes and smile....almost as good as a Bolivian smile... a real one. No drugs involved. Just The Sublime...