
17 Nov 2021

Note to self, do go back and read this journal because it is the skeleton argument not that...

 .. there is any argument as i have always deep down known i was right first time, twenty years ago.

And anyway when you actually have let go into - not that there is any 'into' as it is only a theory and i rather like Hoffman's conscious agent version, and him, because he alone states unequivocally he cannot ever pove his own rather clever version of what it all may be. But the "math" is there not that we should ever allow American versions of anything to sweep over once far more three dimensional public discourse, like that one would have on radio 4 maybe twenty years ago when the last glimpse if European real thought was still perceptible - being somehow in some maybe untranslatable way there was a larger acceptance of reality, society, the project of universal human rights, interpretation of even Salvador's warped clocks, the lot.... don't take it too seriously... but work on it seriously. Some of it may stick and be good. And utilitarian in terms of diffusing the 'natural' state, which was never natural because quite likely the far more natural state before language, books, and ideas infected far and wide, t'was a little more cooperative and really rather less cant vanity and conceit. A cave woman couldn't afford to waste time looking in the mirror plucking her eybrows, there were clubs to finish off making just in case the tribe next door got ideas above their station. Or spuds to discover  and figure how they can be left in glacial melt  After The Ice, (must get that one back, ohh yes i told the goddess wonder if she took THAT advice ...) and be storable a decade or so....  just in case.


Which is a doubtless soon to be illegal allegory for the fact that...

As it is the most important bit i should not say it as it will spoil the tension and we all know tension ‘sells’.

Though if you discover as i did decades ago, trudging down one side of South Island or was it up into the bush beyond Canberra, if the biscuit shops are closed as you provision a little for such periods camping away from the fray as you are so disgusted with the dinosaur eggs littered all around the mental wilderness of that latter land especially, what with all their “ ehh Sheila go and get a bong ... and don’t come back into the room until we say you are needed..”

Irrelevant. Other than camping out back somewhere where their dinosaur mores and memes can be forgotten, a week or so without any refined sugar at all in the diet, and a fair bit of meandering along unable to get a lift, you realise so slowly but do,  how the mind changes, not the ‘mindset’  - fine utilitarian concept in a  simple word, but it is the actual performance  and structure almost of the mind that changes.  You become natural state.  Even if interestingly some tribes would have found some colonies of easily obtainable high sugar nests of stingy crits, still, the great majority of human evolution would have been aside much of that much of the time...or there wouldn’t be any left.


Not really a ‘tangent’  because i know full well that the great majority are indeed ever so slightly at least displaced into that adjustment of mind, into the organ that performs a little differently when it is ‘triggered’ – only time i shall ever use that absurd and problematical word as it is of course typically American and far far too hyperbole and showoff and deep down only mirrors a truly neurotic so so showoff cultural neurosis deep in the culture several hundred years i mean look at the ‘cowboy hat’ anyone who actually roams for days in the wilderness knows what an absurd dilettante accessory – just basically some neurotic childhood attachment disorder thingummy being their schoolbooks would of course have been full of the founding fathers of their culture the dreadful ‘bimbo’ dilettantes of Liz’s Court.. the first one. And before... bling... fancy pants.... of course America could never leave that actually behind and if one watches the films of 100 years ago what strikes in fact is the ...

Well as one said to AC a few years ago “its all ... here too.... just Madame Bovary..” and he did not disagree.

Fine French honest truthful self analysis – self being society at large of course as memes are very very powerful things – Dawkin’s only great leap forward. Linguistically and intellectually, but linguistics matter far more to modern woman and man.  The definition of ‘modernity’ being as soon as the first one started to bullshit. Or believe her own bullshit – can’t work out which is more acedian and harmful.

But all this is ‘about’ as photojournism of late – the last five or so years attempts to describe, is how when a whole subculture or maybe overlord culture, as always in truth the Ladies being in charge behind the scenes because the Lady’s version of how to live in rural fringe places all my life I have seen creep in and dominate, and become the only setting...

If the aesthetic becomes only one  (99% is definition of only; someone once said to me “where do all those naughty one percents come” and it is the wisest little quip ever...) and the odd 1%  - me and just a very few know that neighcher... leave her be she is so extraordinarily unfussy and lost  - having no map or direction, but nevertheless every bug bird and bee she needs ...  for something. We can never know what as her ways are so complex and interwoven, as Ralph taught me age 10...  me ten him a very old huge Godzilla of  a man so gentle they broke the mould.... [ i do not do typos except by accident -  all cleverdick Miss Spellings are to remind me alone to fill in bit i am not ready to share just yet – until i get to that picture in the sequence e.g. the one of his grave i only got to three years ago is so absurdly poignant your eyes should pop ...or at least you may pay a penny for a copy of that one; i gave you for free – because all money is only ever the problem ]


Back to a point no one will get because anyone ‘reading’  - don’t ‘scan’ by definition became one of the little Bovaries (i love that typo! – on the very swiftest quick first proof read .. ) ... you almost have to be one by definition to have something to ‘read’ this on. And check in  .. phone bills, endless laptop renewals cos even Dell now are so so badly made they last about two years.... unless like me you can fix anything (but one person..) ...anything but motors i refuse to end up smelling of grease i have some standards which are of course just class conceit  but  no one is perfect...


Anyway a ‘study’ –  a pretentious word for living through a period  - couple of decades, and with a fairly clear mind due to only rarely eating refined sugar, and almost never ingesting the other version of that in booze... and almost always a great 7+ hours sleep, every night,  during the night when we are made to sleep....

Living a change.

Twenty years ago in rural fringey areas one would be able to have the conversation: “smaller holdings [as we all know better for democracy and potential eco benefit] ,  even stables or rabbit farms or ‘rewilding’ projects (before that silly new concept was trendified because country folk knew about 150 years ago if you read your Walden never mind knew uneducated Ralph the  greatest lover of knowledge i ever knew) , economically require a few people who may share  a bedroom to much in together....some of the time... at least or keep each other company  a little of the time ... or if he must be on his laptop all day then he can take her a flaggon of cider out at lunchtime and get Rosie cheeked in the hay rick before siesta ... together... and as we all know generally speaking ..maybe 99%  even of rural hobos and  wenches havent got into that new fangled habit of sleeping with their own gender in which case that means only one thing.... in the winter you need one of the ‘other’ side aside.... ad even rattus knows  - or neighcher told him, that the whoremoans actually change quite dramatically if one spend a certain amount of the day or night snuggled up for warmth or other things with someone else of the same species.... in a society so obsessed with the American version i mean radio 4 let them all on those who love to measure, and ‘data’... the science categorically shows that the data i.e. the stuff present in the blood never mind other clear patterns favour snuggling up in the nest with at least ones nipper  or ferrets .... cuddling your dog does not provide the same biochemical ‘benefit’... clearly ..


Because like the sugar thing, the mind is not altered as to understand (nothing) but live... cooperation, no matter what.

And thus the fringe lands are.... not viable. Unless you are finacialised big agra, have stolen Southern loot and pension pot to piss in no matter what, or are... a liar. “Rural honour” as i used to term it – no point, even words like honour became to the sugar infested chirping type of mind, seems some kind of surreptitious attack on them...

Of course ‘them’ is a banned word and anyway needs qualifying or understanding. I think i only really ‘understood’ this morning. I got out of the way of the simpler thought .. There is no ‘them’ there is only  - perhaps for 10 thousand years, certainly a few thousand... only fashion. Meme, trend ...sheep. Ad of course some things that sheep get into are for utilitarian herd or individual benefit. But watch any sheep for years, most things are not. Despite being deeply different and seemingly soulful crits – every one  a unique character for sure maybe even vibrant consciousness, they sure  get themselves in a  lot of silly tangles, or worse. 

No, it is all quite simple. Maybe in a Guardian colour Supplement, or maybe some program a few decades back, modernising The Good Life ... certainly some cynical cheap journalism in organs like The Guardian some cheap journalist having a day trip from London out up the county line into for example Herefordshire  - very West, and writing things like “lovely real community of lovely hobbit types here, paradise..”  when in fact anyone that knew that “community” knew full well that most of the hobbits especially that very tall one were disgustingly nasty and selfish around their own children, when they were sober enough to recognise their own children, and it would lead the whole region in taking to horse tranquiliser for recreational purposes...  and as for the earlier minor wave of incomer neurotic Withnail types some 30 years ago and failed neurotic ex rock stars....  well of course their children will be far more in favour of the drugs the money the all of it... that has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with a just about ‘functional’ finely balanced rural system that just about worked.

Now i have chronicled that. Bully for me. And i cannot share it as those Guardian Reader types are indeed worse bullies than even the bully who refused to take in his girchild after a divorce, he would only have the boy. And that is in fairly recent ancient history. I better not say where.... but not too far away from your theme park place of bookery.....

Which is of absolutely no interest to me at all as 20 years ago i smelled the fin de siecle ... that never ‘fin’d .. just continues. But then it – define that ‘it’ spread... everywhere. In which case i better shut up no point ever writing because the definition of ‘philosophical’ i know from many years living pondering studying, is that to think in a balanced objective way, one has to be centred upon nothing. The fulcrum is nothing. Nothing but simpler ongoing real things such as rattus ruining your day .. except he didn’t of course, one learns that one can never know what, even when you knew for sure that was  a job well done.

(many wonderful funny pics or rattus eating....everything literally, one winter five years nonce.... plus film of one doing something which is TOTALLY against all yokel spread country lore..... i mean i have so many interviews saying it is not possible.... millions of groats would have been spent at markets buying little pouches of ferrit poo in olden days cos someone spread the meme it keeps rattus at bay.... well, snake oil as usual....sorry spoiled the tension in that sequence i shall one day get to ...its more than ‘poignant’ its the answer !! to all the bs mindfulness snake IS the only mindfulness i have ever encountered and i encounter many of its prophets and know their garden sheds are decidedly unmindful.... seeing that sequence is what i would wish anyone i actually did love.... you cannot even describe it in any book. Some things you just have to LIVE.... )

So yes... London or Bristol or other centres of the unquiet mind... by definition what they did is pretended they ‘liked’ the rural places – it is more than ‘pretend’ – their identity, around the cafes of Kew or wherever else the most dangerous creature on the planet would take her weaner...  their whole spin project otherwise known as ‘identity’ became only ... i do mean ‘only’ that they must identify with an archetype ..

That became every Guardian Colour supplement’s standard fayre, and every Wye Valley magazine’s  pornhub (oh yes the founder moved to the area a few months ago – i know his woodman – that’s who their kids will be playing with someone who’s grandad or dad is at home directing the largest porn empire ever known...delightful...i am sure their kids will be so so serene and balanced and progressive and inclusive and sweet and not angsty and screwy, like they appear in all those colour supplements) and ...


None of which interests me.


There are other places on the planet where woman and man can still muck in together. And i have some most wonderful photos of a few who can still in this region (i do not do places only regions – circles of 20 odd mile radius)  and that couple you can see their smile is masks... i have  a series i am proud of .. because i know them years and know it captures their truth.

And they told me even more  - the lies and deceit of the invaders.... their bling. ... their always default EVENTUALLY TO ONE SETTING: sorry not shouting just emphasis.


It is this...


And ‘they’ will not appear here – because i know them and value my fairly cheap little lense and don’t want it cracking.

Well they may just sneak in to the corner of the odd image. By accident as aide memoire.... especially the Queen of them all. Though I have no interest in any individual and thus will never even tag a place. Never mind person. Because they are not ‘here’ in fact that is the point...

They are provisional.


Let me try and make the point but as stated a handful of far more descriptions ongoing so this one is drafty first draft. (and actually only underway due extraordinary warm and benign weather as where i live is so brutally cold i should be hibernating by now as neighchair certainly intended though we shall leave that aside suffice to say the mind certainly slows down when natural ambient conditions make it... as neighchair intended..) And it will take a year to sit and look at so many poignant images and decide if they can even be part described without writing the bloody Odyssey... which may be underway elsewhere or may not be.

So, take Babs – Good Life Felicity.  A deeply wise and wonderful and useful series it is surprising how many still recall it  - even yanks who saw it on their PBS... (recent ‘research’)  and hung on their every word. There was good writing in fact great writing and also allegorically important philosophy in so many scenes.


But forget that ancient history. It was what ‘next’. It is the what ‘next’ that is the problem in several ways. In this so called culture at least. Others I am sure not quite so ....hmm all words cannot describe. That’s the problem. Only actions can. Oh better write that book one day though it is all so so dull... bleak wasteland, that’s the problem.

He ... comes along grows a beard may not be even middle aged semi retired on his rip off society Southern cash. He may even be in his 30s... He will rarely describe how he can only afford the rural hideyhole because of the inherited cash from the aforementioned group. His image is groomed to perfection. That’s a bad line  - I  write with NO time to think...ultra fast typing no plans... just the notion from each new dawn ..need to have me 10am cuppa.....sunny day too.

He of course goes to Glastonbutty or says he has for quite a few years. He speaks with that glint in his eyes of the drug called magic mushrooms – organic not like the horse tranquiliser they guzzle in the founder town – his founder place... his archetype he is only over ere as they cannot afford there .... the richer ones of him, there... those whom can afford to have made specially the crumbled metal bracket that keeps their 1950s or whatever ‘vintage’ Land Rover sputtering along the street there... de riguer is too fey a word for what a fuckin hypocrite... because of course they are all so so so signed up to on their online and all their offline ... lies..

But that is not what matters.

A few years playing around with their new bit of land...a  bit of coppicing to look good despite the science stating leave it alone it doesn’t need you figuring out how much you can charge for coppicing classes – a great way to meet new earth women from Camden just in case you fancy playing away for a bit..

 Or wasting Co2 by sticking a zillion pics a day of all those smiley earth faces at your coppicing classes being all storage even in the cloud has  a cost...

In other words he is a formula, confection. What is interesting is how young they die. Most of them in fact. They propone the healthiest of existences. By maybe 50ish all of them have found some piece of machinery to identify themselves with no matter what they said earlier about simpler life. A trendy vintage tractor; some other such.... I never really knew how they spent their nights as they were always the most boring people in existence as all confections are. Perhaps they really did hide well many a late night on the Ketters or too much gin .... despite their super healthy and rustic supplemental image.... because as i say many really do die young. Must be that country air. Because their actual ‘way of life’ they so well cloak in something other no scientist would ever find any other common  factor no matter how deep she dug. Because of course he has  a cloak. Her.... she too must cloaks and can never state any actual real behaviour which may harm..


She, well one isn’t allowed to observe even just how superbly image conscious always she is... the perfect slightly worn once 300 quid leather boots... the image is simply better than any Vermeer in care taken and overall net effect. She is Barbara without that awful genuine cheer as that is a tad uncool. She seepsa  certain knowledge ... that her, their way is the pinnacle of bourgeois evolution – divested of any bourgeois anything ... when of course it isn’t as their spades and tools are usually the most expensive types.... because they have that inherited Rhodesian family gold or tin mine dosh they never speak of... or advertising agency scam slush fund

None of which interests me ...

Other than what a great poignant picture: how sad for those quite good brands of tools that the smallest thing goes wrong and Mr and Mrs Green  just chuck em in their own personal skip....

Dozens... mountains. SO far so dull. And seemingly somewhat Miss Anne Thrope...


Nope... pity. Only day i shall get to that image. Of course we know that ‘pity’ is the worst form of contempt for  another, unless it is genuinely pitiful in that a false identity  - chosen or not, is the greatest sin on any soul... it hurts. And makes people ill.  Methinks and wonders maybe even the cause of much earlier than should be death. So, my pity is genuine and compassionate and unlike their yogi tea bag labels i do know what that word means.


I need to do those paragraphs a little more vibrant in image – i can.. i have years of stories fresh as steaming manure in my head about them as i have far too often had to compromise into being with them. Only to chop their logs or relay their hedges. But i remember all – that is what a good life is, the ability and freedom from angst and stress such that i always will.


But for now the issue is this.

Rural... small scale agriculture, or smallholding stuff or even looking after horses or  mentoring kids into healthy stuff like horse-riding without a riding hat so you learn always to be so sharp you predict anything ahead of a horse bolting...  is medium term at least... build one set of ferret cages or rebuild them and then a  week later mid winter the rattuses can have an unexpected ‘global warming’ event as in a ridiculously warm December (’16 if my memory serves which photo folder i must return to) and whatdyerknow they’re making hay....

 And  a whole new generation is on your doorstep...and wild woodlands around....with nothing to eat!! ... except your doorstep....well flip cage would cannot have tasted nice but i guess it was what was inside – impossible for them to even approach in a ‘normal’ year....

So, Mr and Mrs Green ... even if course these days she doesn’t go by missus... nor do her slightly sultry so absurdly deliberately curious,  looks in the Coop... (my real women friends – the 2 left, say they play... bored...experimenting...nothing to do with me)

It is simply the (as always stolen and repurposed by the borderati ) c word.... continuity.


If a region has been perverted by filthy lucre from elsewhere which is nothing new and no lament in itself one needs some continuity. Her potting shed man, cannot afford local rentals any more because they bought up even the potting sheds, well over time as she sees (it ends up she as he will find more and more reasons to pop back down south to be nearer the gold, her trips off far more Nickers orientated or better hairjobs... )  Continuity means that over time she will see her man  - because the country ‘women’ are generally recovering drug addicts from Wolverhampon who can only be ‘gardener’ if the flymow is working properly and wouldn’t know how to hold a scythe even if the neighbours make videos for Youtube to attract ‘workshops’ at 150 smackers a day...on just that subject.... their scytheman start turn he imported from afar too  as they are terrified of their neighbours....   even when they have had me up there all day once for free scything their anthills so carefully...

So the occasional yokel  - sadly...except for her (wait for my photos!! – i find glorious exceptions too!) 99% male.... the few left who do a decent bit of hedge laying by hand scything .... or even ‘trenching’ her veg patch....properly! (lookitup the hardest slave labour there is) when her hulk of a husband could never find the time so busy trimming the perfect hipster inspired bum fluff age 55...


Some over time you get to trust, respect, understand as equals.... and appreciate they care not that land and housing is so absurdly expensive due her imports.... nevertheless there is a balanced time immemorial way forward – notionally: their motor, lots of money spent on it over the years, new gearbox when he could only ever afford the breakers yard one on their wages...  propper welding by a sober welder...  well it gets a little shabby... it ends up giften or fair price passed over to him... their serf...

And thus there is some viability.  Over time....  some systems develop to rebalance things.  Thats’s the neighchair of things always has been always will....



 Thing is....what with him dying so young or finding pornhub in middle age or horse pills... her as good as dying the good those mindfulness classes do...


Well there could be many versions of the following few lines and maybe there will be: they don’t last.... they don’t have continuity.

They were only ever provisional – their whole fantasy house of cards that was so so viciously (correct word) preached to them.


To a literary mind (the not ‘Festival’ kind of booksmind i.e. read them alone and over the years they do broaden insight of things like fascistic developments within smiling societies... )  it is fascinating. There did come a time when i said “wow this most boring Guardian fawned over place in the world is, now,  interesting the absolute dysfunction and even dangerous sickness... that i know harms quite a few, never mind the children of the region..”

But it does mean sadly that smaller scale pro habitats and nature land use is doomed forever as it does take two..or three....  and  rural honour means get to cutting up that fallen tree for the fire next year or one after once it has dried... no matter what and no matter how one behaved in the pub the night before...


Not ever taking anything to heart.... the odd genuinely bloodthirsty family or neighbouring valley feud, apart, of course...

And if you cannot learn that – live that...from those years swanning the small high street a little more expensively clad as the norm (the women of the region do know....) and sadly not getting the nails chilled or whatever expensive ‘workboots’ he has three pairs of too, worn from actual use.... day in da out year in and out, then you should have tried the fraudulent mindfulness courses the Missus runs... because you took nothing from the ‘land’... except the viability for those who may just have given a little back.


But it is the lack of continuity. You always see it. Three years..maybe five.... 99%.. the house is dark. Something has....happened.... that has nothing to do with simpler ordinary middle of nowhere, life. 

But mine (though only 75% of the time...maybe 85%)

tells you something else. That is life. The only life there is. Their life. 'They' won. I am pathetic anachronism fantasist, who yes must be Quinn.   Accept entirely and only smile at total failure. It is their life. They are the majority and the majority always win. For a decent time anyway, far longer than the Utopians may pretend.

Good job though i have such a huge store of ... ‘happy’ ? snaps. I don’t need lucre from them but i do know truth is splendid nourishment and food for the soul...and the best long term vaccination there is. Shame one cannot meet any more anyone else who is not ‘sick. Their other ‘language’ ... funny that country folk knew stand on a  rusty bit of barbed wire without expensive workboots just ignore it 99% of the time the body will do what it was designed to do....expel nasties.  Or rather errata, as the human is indeed  symbiousis of many things that were in some way nasty, but had other positively arasitical benefit and thus became subsumed for all the right reasons - a better eventual whole. Which is a splendily  clever dick sounding way to sign off - they are technically 'inhuman' .... indeed by any measure. If there is no conceivable symbioytically nedium term positive to them, they are not of us...  splendid i have argued myslf live on screen unthinkingly as if the angels are in my fingers ...  into yet another reason Quinn was right.... 

So where is he off to? 

Hahh hahh of course... i went there once. Not that long ago. (by accident on a mission of mercy not for photos or indeed telling anyone else how close the the 'ethnics' i got) ... T'wasn't like this, there... the 'poorest' country in nutjob dangerous coke fiilled South America....  my my the poignant pictures i have from there of real...smiles... and that little film of the women of the market taking their scraps to the bin lorry still the happiest thin i have ever seen in my life by far... the real solidarity laughter fun . humanity at its ethnically primeevil very best......and no there werent any toursits there either. It was for no camera.