Oh my the poignant dichotomies of
rural fringe existence. Even if this one - eight years and one free - I mean
you could not make it up, so simply Black Swan gorgeous these last eighteen
months. It was impossible I would find the means to stay in paradise, until it
was as if she came waddling up my great house driveway every filigree reflecting
the radiance of every nutjob angel up there. How can one leave a place when the
first time we wandered down to the ice ball lake we actually did see one? And
did i take a picture? It was
extraordinary how close to the bank she came because I thought unlike human BS
rather less shy nowadays a true BS makes an event of hiding herself away.
So, yes, a handful of photos all
as black swan in reality so meaningful - absurdly redolent of so much life, but for another day, thrown up here at
4.30am and they whoosh up as if it is meant to be. The other advantage being I
can go and steal ‘his’ wood under cover of everyone else snoring in bed. Well
it shouldn’t be his especially if he leaves it there as if to make a point “you and your Cops, i shall burn and
lay complete and utter waste to, exactly what i wish..”
Much more important duff image coming up soon.
What i do not understand is how - many years this simple not very
aesthetically interesting blogger.com template i use. And there are several
'identities' within several different windows identity iterations. Each has a
few pages of internet - not blogs - i write no coherent essayform for
anyone to see though i can, and have, a big one, just showcases for nothing to
see other than how to be - day in and out for years; no matter what.
But the genius of keeping it simple, as I am, many years I make an
artform of that. How can it be that this blogger.com 'posting' pane, and the
more important posting pane in the one piece of writing that is a sequential
chronicle in real time, or as soon after as i can make it, in other words the
next dawn as turning machinery on after lunchtime is silly and is never full of
real life, that other pane this identity, too, does not have a spell check
button. When the handful of other sites through exactly the same many year
template settings and usings, on different 'identities' but as always the same
provider the same platform, because i am many years perfectly constant, except
that one time when she told me I had dropped something. There was a reason.
This one no spellcheck button so i have to copy into word doc and type
there - but i don't, that doesn't 'work' i have to live type here ...
then copy paste it into there and then back here once
unredlined... That is always the technique - use the energy of that system
(these templates and sites) you many years utterly despair of to exasperative
hate of even being born - because it is real... eventually you get
to love your captor of course you do....
In fact i sort of figured it more deeply just the other day just how one
can only love ones captor that almost seems to be the universal deal even when
it is crystal clear as sunlight online they were in the wrong - a lot. I knew
once there, she could not turn back - it is a new complete reality. . And only
a fool has hopes of fixing it. Good job unlike the absurd folk of global
gatherings i rather like fixing everything else.
So in short as if i have Stockholm syndrome I only work - my energy only
is peak, if i write in a blogger pane and i have many years of photographic
evidence of how tragically awful their 'tools' and panes are... case in point
this windows 'user' 'identity' account' however you wish to put it completely
quarantined from several others has no spelling checker button (or autonatic
squiggly red line checking as typing) when all the others do... and i have
looked under the hood. It is simply existential death all this craptech, i know
that, i also know there is the aforementioned solution - type into word 2013
(all copies i have hacked and stolen to make up for the hair lost years of his
other crap) spellcheck there as long as you turn OFF autocorrect because
spastic tech and tooly type people do not understand that occasional poetical
missspelling is deliberate in art... not some silly 'urban' 'jungle' art i mean
good art.... if i worte filigree there is so much Byronic everything in the
story behind the local fillies and the only picture i do not have, the moment
is saw the filigree lines around her eyes near nine years ago....
And fast forward a few months ago, the way she tragically too had been
sucked into her mobile device and told me she was having a crisis in it, and
couldn't talk....
Oh woe is us, especially her because she used to have a splendidly toned
posterior. And the brightest of eyes. Not any more....
Do not scan my pages on a small device or i will never ever speak with
you ever again. Not that anyone speaks any more.... I also figured it is not
'fear' ... the way we would speak as splendidly wise teens of 'fear'
driving almost all human affairs - advertising plays on fears, etc etc
... they still peddle such rote cliché ...
There are only two fundamental drivers of all of the human experience
and they are not fear and certainly not 'disgust' because one can change the
disgust settings over time which every psychologist seems immune to
undertsanding and thus they are almost all charlatans, they are being stuck one
side of a black swan event - just stuck; nothing glamorous or hyoped up
like 'fear'; and then the other side of a loss event. A big one. You simply
never can be the peson prior that barbed wirse fence. It is as impossible as if
so called professional 'environmentalists' actually stopped blaming other
people like business and corporations and politicians and actually understood
how people work and reality, that only by example do things change and as i
have been going around for years photographing even a 'Green' elected
personages' (yes pl) new bicycles so unused and so expensive and goodbrand, so
rusty and old looking after they were left uncared for a few years... until
everyone puts their own house in order which is the wrong way of saying know
exactly whom we are FIRST and what we can do about our own mess.... even our
own hypocrisies and failures - i capture all of it....especially mine
own.... but if i published many of the photos i have taken the last decade some
would come and hurt me...
So.... we shall see. This is only about laps and goddesses. And if
art can indeed do anything for good. Mine, yours, universally... because
the silly fools should stop waffling on about 'global heating' - that
failed. I know i speak with BOTH sides.... and furthermore their absurd
hateful (i don't believe in) other side of the conversation will never change.
They think and will not stop stating that GW is some tin foil conspiracy. But
none ever speak of liking pollution.... indeed pollution is the lowest common
denominator in both habitats rivers they fish in, in changing for the worse the
lifecycles of many creatures - they almost all have a dog!, and of course
the atmosphere they need to depend on ..and we all knew about pollutions
decades ago ... no one argued with stopping the cfc thing. It is mute and may
sound trite or even argumentative but when you have so many who (as i photograph)
resolutely refuse - its deliberate... !! even here in my rural fringe
resolutely refuse to not waste wood .... chuck it all on bonfires just
to spite the peasants like me .... so many simply extraordinarily
wasteful fires i see....here because no one comes and looks and wonders....i
see and its extraordinary how local so called ecominded never put anything up
about their ... neighbouring landowners... litter most gorgeous
upland meadows with their baler plastics...
All is pollution - one form or other... as is co2 if it throws things
out of balance so nature cannot adapt quickly enough. And no one ever argues
with messages on pollution if it is their puppy perhaps licking a town of
puddle water they know is filled up with microplastics... from the air they
breathe. But they must defiantly demand other forms of pollution are somehow
conspiratorial. Well, their puppy's funeral...
The funerals caused ONLY by one thing - the absolutely abysmal Messianic
narcissistic rhetoric of the environment....alists... i know i have been one
and as they are those things and of course they can never have a bridging
debatey thing... or listen. So maybe i need to...show.