Even here... even here...
one has to be careful these days - very. Whom does one let in to one's life? Or 'identity'. One chap i did of late...supposedly rural yokel with a clean living better mind, i am
not so sure...
Anyway, must go. Go.. go to some
far far simpler place, away from the hipster pseuds - so many bad nighttime habits of course even they aren't really 'safe' any more - even here, and away from the 'Waitrose Bags' [codeword to be visually dscribed later, with pictures] .... of no use to me...somehwre as simple as possible, where i will have even more energy to get this
really at least ok.... but, as a few folk I know and do trust i have shared a
few new gradually developing online showcases with of late, this one i care
about. The rest not so. This one i will polish and get half readable. Soon.
This will be improved even may
be website look aesthetically improved over the winter. These images mean a lot
to me. Many will not be technically superb because although i lead an extremely
quiet lots or hillwalking life and in the summer days may be reading at a
river's edge half the day, in fact the imagery below and to come is largely
very very much as a result of MOVEMENT... moving cycling hiking and dodging around
the lost lunatics even in my small rural places - trying to find just one person
who says what they mean and means what they say; and who knows the actual
meaning of a real quiet rural life in tune with nature done, a LOT, not for
facebook, nor to meet to smoke drugs, is actually so so so good for the 'soul'
but it takes a long long time to know how... to live how. And to live not
needing ever any of their rushing around. When on chronicling duty i put a LOT
into it all...because i do care. But
never ever to a formula or plan... things just kept happening so many things it
is daft and i live in the middle of nowhere but could not keep up. And am super
fit....from all that movement. So... there is something...something to share if
i can quite get there. Soon