
25 Nov 2021



Especially when the farmer - a real one with her 200 acres high up... excitedly says in her maturity and knowing what's what and most isn't "new best friend, come... help... be communitarian... have assylum and we will do true mutual benefit..." and then seems to be so distracted with something else all week... such that 'rural honour' and 'say what you mean and mean what you say' are clearly a foreign languages on these arid soils...

But all of them i love. There is nothing worse than several theses which are absolutely complete in my mind. But one just needed the last unarguable 'truths'... ok i may not have chronicled every person in these Shopping Aisles, but i have engaged with so many in an obviously kindly and humanist way, and far more important afforded (oops dont use difficult English as only one person wo isn't English but her English usage is more superb than any English i know these days and i only try to know the poignantly perceptive..) suggested ways of real no-sex-involved mutual benefit or communitarian real acts... 

Nope...may as well have been speaking to Tin Tin...

And as for our intelligent media  - no more.... 

No one could for example think, that what one does NOT see is far more interesting than the endless formulaic things one sees or hears.

One cannot turn on the wireless (at 05.40) without hearing some young brown woman giving the latest Instagram friendly version of their sad little backwards 'religion'. I mean fuckin ell England was great once not even taking much notice of nutcase 'numerologists" who likely bred like rabbits in Youessay..

And i am probably wrong even if know Wikipedia is never right as it is based on the Madame Bovary model of existence, which youessay simply cannot ever move beyond. Stuff matters.  The context of that whole Northern continent. 

Maybe numerology was invented in China and imported to YUK first by  the usual suspects opium eating lost English 'aristocrats' into England to then sell to unwary Yanks...

None of which is important especially to myself who lives precisely now in the now even with the madness of next week so close. But the so called thoughtful media having sky fairy talks even more self pitying and Instagram linkable with that same painted on look, on  the power of five or some other random number someone has made disordered connections over, when nothing can ever be ever 'known'... even if the science clearly states that rural alliance between the genders - the only two there are, are quite clearly impossible in the YUK...

All i really cared about. well the only other thing i cared about, this last decade, because small scale landholdings often, eventually, are more nature friendly never mind scientifically yield efficient f one lisens to science that has been around decades about 'no till' or other rediscovered stuff... they will have to FIGHT to get rolled out further... than their fashionable niche. 

And only one woman said she knew that the Bertrand question, was the only one that mattered... except for the more specific one i have about someone who has been living in Stockholm rather a  long time.... 

"does one advise that despite arse being bitten at...and of course some sorrow and wish on behalf of A N other that it had not been that way for her.... not one second of my own life would i have had any diferent, and despite your truly pointed attack earlier in the year...yes that was all for you... I have had the happiest two years of my life..

"might  that approach further hurt the English or disturbed mix maybe set only to update melodrama...? 

"or maybe it nay time? Je ne sait pas.... and i am pretty emotionally intelligent even my worst enemy she thinks she is i couldnt care less,  told me that a few weeks ago... but i know there is no knowing, would make a good bet though... "